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What happens during outpatient surgery?

Our plastic surgeons remove the skin lesions under local anaesthesia, after disinfecting the area to be treated, by surgical excision. After excision, in justified cases, the removed tissue must be subjected to histological examination.

During outpatient plastic surgery, the plastic surgeon makes the smallest possible incision. The egdes of the wound are pulled together with special suture threads called plastic stitches. Thanks to this, a barely noticeable, thin scar is created. Finally, a sterile dressing is applied to the wound.

The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. The patient can return home immediately after the treatment. The wound check-up will take place after 1 week and the sutures will be removed at a pre-arranged appointment made with the doctor.

Ambuláns plasztikai sebészeti műtét
Plastic surgery creates a barely noticeable, thin scar
Preparation for the treatment

Before a plastic surgery consultation, a dermatological examination of the lesion and a recommendation is always required. Please, bring this to the consultation.

For what purposes can the treatment be used?
  • Excision of skin lesions and birthmarks on the face and chest
Price of the treatment

1 db elváltozás műtéti eltávolítása.

The treatment is performed by
Plastic and burn surgeon specialist